



出自: 《番茄小屋》  作者:翻译/阿胖  
  (4)田纳西州,Rebekah Bowen
  惭愧的回到家后,我感觉自己像是个世上最可憎的人,我进入房子,然后坐在沙发上沉思,….,我是怎样的一个人呢,我想成为一个什么样的人呢?我自言自语的说,我怎能支持这种残酷对待其他生命的行为呢?我决定是我结束我罪恶行为,并且从新开始的时候。我接着上网看能否找到与素食主张相关的资讯,我发现PETA「你吃的是什么样的肉(Meet Your Meat)」的录影带。看完影片后,我哭了一整天。
  Rebekah Bowen, Tennessee
  After always feeling guilty about eating meat throughout my life, ever since I was a small child, I saw something that made me want to stop eating animal flesh for good.
  One cloudy afternoon in May 2003, I was driving down I-24 going toward Antioch, Tennessee, when I noticed that I was driving behind a giant truck with a bunch of white things flying out of the sides. For a second or two it almost looked like it was snowing, but then, when I drove up by the left side of the big truck, I figured out what was going on.
  The white things were feathers, and they were coming off of the few hundred, live, uncomfortable-looking chickens that were stuffed in crates on top of one another. Sadly, those poor little animals were about to be slaughtered. They all looked at me with their pitiful eyes as if they were trying to say, “What did we do to deserve this, and why are you letting this happen to us?”
  After driving home shamefully and feeling like the most horrible person who ever lived, I went into the house, sat down on my couch, and contemplated … what kind of person I was and what kind of person I wanted to be. I thought to myself, “How could I support this kind of cruelty toward another living creature?” I decided that it was time to end my evil ways and start over. I then got on my computer to see if I could find any useful information on vegetarianism, and I came across PETA’s “Meet Your Meat” video. After seeing that footage, I cried for the rest of the day.
  I haven’t eaten another animal since then and never will again.




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