出自: 《番茄小屋》 作者:翻译/阿胖
(3)路易斯安那州,Jacklyn Tejada
在一次阅读线上新闻时,我选读了一篇关于影星帕米拉•安德森(Pamela Anderson)反肯德基炸鸡的报导。文章中连结
Jacklyn Tejada, Louisiana
I was reading the news online, and I clicked on the story about Pamela Anderson being against KFC. In the story was a link to KFCCruelty.com, and that did it for me!! One site led to the next and the next. It took maybe three seconds on KFCCruelty.com for me to make my decision!! The guilt that I felt, that awful heavy feeling inside of me knowing that I contributed to the slaughtering of these poor animals. ... On top of it all, I was angry at myself for not looking into this, for not knowing this information. I think it’s hard to realize what goes on when TV ads are urging people to drink milk and to eat JELL-O.
I now feel so good about myself. I am in better health, and I’m happy knowing that I don’t contribute to the murdering of animals. With all the animal products I was consuming before, you’d better believe that the meat and dairy industry has taken a big hit!!
Thank you, PETA, and everyone involved in this amazing, eye-opening organization!!